What the health!?
Thursday, April 11th
6-9pm | Stanford d.school
Donuts. Traffic Jams...? Grubhub!? There are things in life that have obvious negative influences on our health. Then there are things that aren’t so obvious — like Grubhub and Netflix.
The goal of this Satellite Session is to help students see non-obvious design opportunities in the Health Domain by exposing them to the Building H Index then helping them get hands-on with design mindsets and methods by exploring how we might help the Stanford Town Center Project design with health in mind.
Agenda : Subject to change
Doors open. Food and drink service begins.
Panel in the d.school atrium.
Panel featuring the Systems Design for Health teaching team (Sara Singer, Steven Downs, Joanne Cheung & Gordon Bloom).Understand what the Building H Index is and how we might use it to explore non-obvious design opportunities in the Health Domain.
Understand what the Stanford Town Center Project is and how we might apply design mindsets and methods to the project to amplify healthy outcomes on multiple levels. -
Activations in the d.school Bay Studio facilitated by d.school teaching team members.
Systems Design for Health : Apply design mindsets and methods to the Stanford Town Center Project feat. Sara Singer, Steven Downs, Joanne Cheung, Gordon Bloom & Brett McClung
Design for Health Equity: Inspired by the panel, workshop potential non-obvious design challenges for the Fall 2024 iteration of this course feat. Christine Jun, Jess Munro & Dr. Lee Sanders
Design for Healthy Behaviors: Inspired by the panel, workshop potential non-obvious design challenges for the Fall 2024 iteration of this course feat. YC Sun, Dennis Boyle Nancy Cuan.
Designing for Working Parents: Inspired by the panel, workshop design challenges for this potential course proposed by Laura Lee & Emma Townley-Smith
Building Community: The Design of Inclusive Spaces: Inspired by the panel, workshop with Shanice Webb on non-obvious design opportunities in the Health Domain to nurture community.
How to Make Art Work: Inspired by the panel, workshop with Alex Jones on how the making of art and activism might drive change in non-obvious design opportunities in the Health Domain.
Debrief, Feedback & Next Steps
Seamus Yu Harte will facilitate a short debrief conversation to synthesize the information, insights and opportunities generated.
Students will have the opportunity to capture “How might we..” and “What if…” video statements for us to use as design research and/or share via social media to keep our explorations moving forward. -
Doors close.
Keep scrolling to see what a Satellite Session looks like in action with photos and videos from past sessions.

information insight opportunity
Sara Singer
Shanice Webb
Brett McClung
* Subject to change. But rest assured there will be no shortage of amazing people.