this is why i’m hot.

Frustrated with how the world is (or isn’t) working towards climate adaptation? Join us on Friday, February 21st from 7-10pm at the Stanford Satellite Sessions to let off some steam.

Satellite Sessions are parties with a purpose at the Stanford designed to relay inspiration, insight & opportunities
from the universe of design through a spark of avant-garde art.

Friday, Feb. 21

Open Bar
Live Music
Cool People
Hot Takes

7p | Sunday School
7.3p | Welcome
8p | Orbit Hour
9p | Hot Pocket Nepo Baby

In honor of Parents Weekend,
all family and friends welcome

show, don’t tell

Watch this video to catch the vibe from a few of our Satellite Sessions over the years.

Or keep scrolling to get a sense of the different types of the type of people and avant-garde experiences that will be happening that night.

People meet
at parties.

  • Understand what design work opportunities look like in the real world

    Apply new information and insights you receive at the session to existing work and studies

    Analyze new information and insights from diverse points of view.

    Evaluate new information and insights to better understand their own point of view

    Create a piece of design work that expresses a new point of view

But if you’re looking for more reasons to come, then check out the reasons below. Or if you just want to see who you might meet, then keep scrolling.

  • Understand what design work opportunities look like in the real world

    Apply new information and insights you receive at the session to existing work and studies

    Analyze new information and insights from diverse points of view.

    Evaluate new information and insights to better understand their own point of view

    Create a piece of design work that expresses a new point of view

  • Understand what design work opportunities look like in the real world

    Apply new information and insights you receive at the session to existing work and studies

    Analyze new information and insights from diverse points of view.

    Evaluate new information and insights to better understand their own point of view

    Create a piece of design work that expresses a new point of view

  • Emily Callaghan

    Climate Domain Co-lead, Owner of DESIGN+, Lecturer at Stanford’s, Board member of the College of Design at the University of Minnesota

    Emily will be orbiting The Isle of Design starting at 7pm.

  • Manasa Yeturu

    Social Impact Domain Co-lead, Head of Learning Experience Design, Extreme & Lecturer at Stanford d.School, Teaching ME 206A: Design for Extreme Affordability

    Manasa will be orbiting The Isle of Design starting at 7pm.

  • Glenn Fajardo

    Chief Learning Officer, Digital Media Academy | Teaching DESIGN 273: Negotiation by Design: Crafting Environmental Agreement

    Glenn will be orbiting The Pickle Jar at 8pm.

  • Mike Lin

    Venture Capital, Design Thinking & Sustainability, SUST 234: Integrative Design and Entrepreneurship for Sustainability

    Mike will be orbiting The Who Knows.

  • Miki Sode

    Innovation Strategist || Human-Centered Systems Thinker || Future Catalyst || Teaching DESIGN 187N: How to Shoot for the Moon (AA 107N)

    Miki will be orbiting The Who Knows.

  • Kosi

    Solving problems with child-like wonder.

    Kosi will be orbiting The Hot Pocket.

  • Anna Matsumoto

    Physical Design + Manufacturing @Stanford | Organizer for TreeHacks | Physical Design Lead for The Design Kids | Student Researcher @ SHAPE Lab

    Anna will be orbiting The Dance Floor.

  • Bruce Cahan

    Financial Technology Innovator on Earth, in Outer Space, and usually in-between. Teaching DESIGN 245: Redesigning Finance

    Bruce will be orbiting The Who Knows.

  • Ashley Havens

    First-Year Student @ Stanford, Enrolled in DESIGN 187N: How to Shoot for the Moon (AA 107N)

    Ashley will be orbiting The Toast Bar.

  • Vignesh Kumar

    Undergraduate senior studying Human Biology (BA), Teaching HUMBIO 41SI: Design for Healthy Friendships: A Multi-Level Approach to Social Connection

    Vig will be orbiting The Toast Bar.

  • Bryan Nguyen

    Freshman @ Stanford University, Enrolled in DESIGN 1

    Bryan will be orbiting The Toast Bar.

  • Annalise Mak

    Design Engineering and Psychology @ Stanford, Enrolled in DESIGN 1

    Annalise will be orbiting The Toast Bar from 8 to 9pm

  • Sunday School

    Sunday School will be performing at 7pm

  • Hot Pocket Nepo Baby

    Hot Pocket Nepo Baby will be performing at 9pm.

  • Seamus Yu Harte

    Head of Learning Experience Design, Electives | Helping people remix how the(ir) world works.

    Seamus will be orbiting the

  • The Grove becomes The Toast Bar: a place to literally try new things and meet new people.

  • Studio C becomes The Pickle Jar: a place to explore emerging ethical dilemmas through improv, stand-up and sketch comedy.

  • Room 165 become The Nerd Hole: a science communication escape room where you must communicate your work/research using only similes/analogies/stories or metaphors.

    You can’t escape until everyone knows what you do.

  • Above The Atrium becomes The Tip Line: a live public art installation designed to help you share anonymous tips on what is (and isn’t) working for you at Stanford.

  • Room 126 becomes The Shroom Room: a pop-up bar serving alternative beverages and snacks designed to change your mind.

  • The Red Truck corridor becomes The Isle of Design: a place to talk to Stanford Design Program students, Faculty and staff to learn more about the Undergrad, Grad and Elective Programs.

  • Huddle 1 becomes The Hot Pocket: a place for artists and designers to showcase provocative and/or polarizing work that is “still in the oven” (ie, a work in progress).

    Oh! And Hot Pockets will be served until they are gone. ;)

  • The Atrium becomes The Dance Floor: a place to sing, dance, move and groove to your favorite Stanford bands.

  • The Who Knows is the who knows…

    We understand your desire for clarity and we encourage you to let it go.

    Come not because you know what is going to happen—but the exact opposite—you don’t know what is going to happen.

make art*

*the spark